Reporting Standards

Authors should follow the manuscript submission guidelines of the journal and disclose the information by stating that the submitting manuscript was not submitted for publication previously in any other Journals. The content of the manuscript should quoted properly, and should not use the ideas of the others, if you want to use the ideas you must acknowledge the source through appropriate references or citations.

Authorship of the Paper

Authorship in the manuscript should be limited to those who made a prominent contribution to design, interpretation of the data and others must be listed as co-authors. Corresponding author should take consent of all the co-authors, before submitting a paper to our Journal.

Fundamental Errors in the Submitted Paper

Authors will noticed any basic errors in the submitted paper in due course of time, any one of the author should report the Editor-in-Chief by mentioning manuscript number or paper title, so that we will take measurable actions.

Withdrawal policy of the Submitted Paper

If any author wishes to withdraw the submitted manuscript inform us before review has been started. We should not allow you to withdraw the manuscript after review process initiated, in such cases authors have to pay the necessary processing charges towards submitted article.